Tag Archives: President Obama


I Spote PRIDE Image

By Lynnette M. Booker

Gay-pride revelries this last weekend were more than a community action against social-stigma for LGBT, but a momentous celebration marking another historical change in legislation. The Supreme Court ruled to legalize same-sex marriage on Friday, June 26, 2015. Following the ruling, President Obama delivered a victorious speech from the Rose Garden declaring marriage equality for all Americans.

Commemorating the landmark ruling by the Supreme Court on same-sex marriage, the White House was lit with prideful colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. A supportive image that resonates deeply among the LGBT community across all legalized 50 states.

In Manhattan, I spotted several businesses commemorating the historical gay and lesbian marriage equality with rainbow flags, decorative tissues, and artworks displaying in storefronts intersperse in Chelsea. The symbolic imagery of vibrant support by local and national businesses have shown extreme progress for human rights in America.