Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Meryl Streep Performs Her Most Important Role

               By Lynnette M. Booker 

Meryl Streep is hardly an overrated and barely an underrated actor; she is the epitome of meticulous craft and ingenuity. Streep has transformative perception of the human condition. Her characters are often complicated–whether the film is drama or comedy–and she effectively portrays their sensibility.

But Streep is more than an actress. She is an American citizen which is her most important role that of which she dutifully recogonizes and performs.

As a conscientious citizen of America, Streep delivers a fearless speech during her acceptance of the Cecil B. DeMille Award at the Golden Globes.

“It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter…This instinct to humiliate, when it’s modeled by someone in the public platform, by someone powerful, it filters down into everybody’s life, because it kinda gives permission for other people to do the same thing,” she says. “Disrespect invites disrespect, violence incites violence. And when the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose.”

President-elect Donald J. Trump shows impeccable predictability. The following day he tweets one of his mundane diatribes. This time his target is Meryl Streep.

“Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn’t know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes. She is a…..”

In some way, he believes that he is a huge benefactor to America.

Kanye West Meets with President-elect Donald J. Trump 

                    Lynnette M. Booker

Kanye West visited Trump Towers in New York City on Tuesday morning to meet with president-elect Donald J. Trump. The reason for the meeting was undisclosed, but whatever it was about must have been highly remunerative and productive; because Trump does not like his precious time being wasted. That can’t be said for West.

For West. Maybe it was just his pigment in him that caused him to make “ign’ant” decisions, like this, but the pigment in me causes me to make moral and considerate decisions . 

West may blame his lunatic behaviors on his pigment as he versed in the song “Clique,” but he can’t blame his pigment for meeting with Trump–that was just an uber act of irresponsibility.

As a black artist whose music is intended to promote cultural responsibility and awareness in the black community, especially among black men, West possibly ruined his reputation  by meeting with a man who has promoted racism and sexism, and xenophobia.

I know that I couldn’t and wouldn’t stand beside a man of his character–no matter what deal he had made.

Post-election Prompts Post-it Feed on New York Subway 

                         Lynnette Booker 

A Subway Therapy station has been set up by Matthew Chavez-Levee in 14 Street Union Square Station in New York City. The Subway Therapy station is to provide a place for subway riders, who are outraged by president-elect Donald J. Trump, to express themselves on post-it notes. 

Levee’s Subway Therapy project has transformed into a brilliant art installation. Similar to a Twitter feed, a myriad of post-it notes utilizes space on the Mezzanine wall. The post-it notes include messages of love and unity such as “HUMAN RIGHTS ARE WOMEN’S RIGHTS” and “LOVE TRUMPS HATE.”

Unlike Twitter, the art installation is a personable and singular experience, and like Twitter the irresistibility to participate is infectious. It is a unique method to protest Trump’s divisive rhetoric.

Union Square is a convenient location to encourage hundreds of people to participate. It receives plenty of foot traffic without the hurriedness of Times Square.


Build A Wall Around Your Hypocrisy Because It Ain’t Happening

By Lynnette M. Booker

“Mexico will pay for the wall,” presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Wednesday in Phoenix, Arizona. “100 percent! They don’t know it yet, but they’re going to pay for the wall.” He offered an unsupported asseveration to a boisterous crowd hours after his meeting with Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto. The topic of the wall wasn’t up for discussion according to Peña Nieto, which he affirmed two hours later on Twitter.

The immigration speech disconcerted and disappointed many Trump critics while consoling Trump supporters. Ann Coulter tweeted: Wow. This doesn’t sound like “softening.” GO, TRUMP!!! After being accused of softening his position on immigration, Trump triumphantly reiterated his stance on immigration; it was vague and redundant to many speeches he has delivered since he announced his presidential candidacy: The Immigration Reform That Will Make America Great Again.

The three principles of Trump’s immigration plan are 1) A nation without borders is not a nation: there must be a wall across the southern border; 2) A nation without law is not a nation: laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must enforced; and 3) A nation that does not serve its own citizen is not a nation: Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans. Trump reframed his immigration plan to a ten-point plan.

  1. Build the wall
  2. End “catch and release”
  3. Zero tolerance for criminal aliens
  4. Defund sanctuary cities
  5. 5. Cancel President Obama’s executive actions
  6. Extreme vetting. Block immigration from some nations
  7. Force other countries to take back those whom the U.S. wants to deport
  8. Get biometric visa tracking system fully in place
  9. Strengthen E-verify, block jobs for the undocumented
  10. Limit legal immigration, lower it to “historic norms,” and set new caps

The ten-point plan is not exactly a plan but an outline of factors that compose Trump’s immigration reform. A measured plan should include businesses that outsource legal and illegal immigrants for jobs that could be filled by qualified (or even unqualified) Americans. He wants to protect the border and protect American businesses (Trump’s businesses). He is a ten-step to bullshit.

  1. Hire foreign workers to save cost
  2. Hire foreign workers because they have better work experience
  3. Hire foreign workers for a season and return them back to their country after season
  4. Hire foreign factories to manufacture American products
  5. Hire foreign workers to compete with other American businesses
  6. Hire foreign workers because everyone else is doing it
  7. Hire foreign factories because everyone else is doing it
  8. Invest in companies that hire foreign workers
  9. Invest in companies that outsource to foreign countries
  10. Invest and expand businesses in foreign countries

Trump’s contradictory and hypocrisy will make America Great Again!