Post-election Prompts Post-it Feed on New York Subway 

                         Lynnette Booker 

A Subway Therapy station has been set up by Matthew Chavez-Levee in 14 Street Union Square Station in New York City. The Subway Therapy station is to provide a place for subway riders, who are outraged by president-elect Donald J. Trump, to express themselves on post-it notes. 

Levee’s Subway Therapy project has transformed into a brilliant art installation. Similar to a Twitter feed, a myriad of post-it notes utilizes space on the Mezzanine wall. The post-it notes include messages of love and unity such as “HUMAN RIGHTS ARE WOMEN’S RIGHTS” and “LOVE TRUMPS HATE.”

Unlike Twitter, the art installation is a personable and singular experience, and like Twitter the irresistibility to participate is infectious. It is a unique method to protest Trump’s divisive rhetoric.

Union Square is a convenient location to encourage hundreds of people to participate. It receives plenty of foot traffic without the hurriedness of Times Square.


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